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5 Reasons You Should Check Radon Levels In Your Home

Radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive gas found naturally in the environment. Soil and rocks contain a mineral known as uranium that undergoes slow decay for years to produce radon and other byproducts. The national average for outdoor radon level is 0.4 pCi/L. It can go up to 0.75 pCi/L in some areas.

Radon enters your home through land, groundwater and building material. Cigarette smoke and certain types of industrial pollutants can also increase the concentration of radon in your immediate environment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that two-thirds of American homes have more than the acceptable levels of radon gas in their indoor environment. People living in such houses may inhale or ingest the gas regularly.

The EPA recommends all homeowners to test radon levels in their home and install a reduction system when necessary. If you are unsure about testing your home, here are five reasons that will convince you to do it today:

For your Health

Radon is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and is responsible for thousands of deaths each year. Young children are especially susceptible due to high rate of respiration. The gas is colorless and odorless. You will not notice any immediate symptoms either. Radon testing is the only way to detect the presence of the gas in your home.

To meet Legal Recommendations

Many states across the nation require homeowners to declare radon levels of their house, especially during sale and purchase. Radon declaration is part of several other documents you submit to the prospective buyer. Elevated levels may impact the price and the sale of the property. Installation of a radon-reduction system can resolve the problem.

For Easy Upgrades

Radon is found across United States. Any home can have an elevated radon level of more than 4 pCi / L. Even new homes built with radon-resistant materials may have a significant amount of the radioactive gas in their indoor environment. You may, however, install a vent fan to activate the radon-reduction system. It is a simple upgrade that keeps your family safe and healthy.


Radon tests are inexpensive. You may choose radon detection kits which cost $50 to 100. You may also seek the services of a professional who brings in machines to test the levels accurately. Most companies charge a couple of hundred dollars for it. You can repeat the test once every two to five years or when you make some structural changes to your home.

For Peace of Mind

Radon testing may seem overwhelming at first. However, a simple test can offer you peace of mind that is beyond compare. You know your family is safer. You also avoid issues that may crop up during the sale of the house. You just feel good about doing the right thing.

EPA estimates that close to 8 million homes across the U.S. have higher than acceptable levels of radon in the environment. As stated earlier, radon testing is the only way to detect the presence of the gas. Do not wait any longer. Test your home and make it a happy and safe place for your family.


+Paul Reichman is the founder of BedBathStore. Using decades of experience in home fashion and safety, Paul offers quality bed, bath and home furnishings at affordable prices through

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