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5 Ways To Improve The Exterior Of Your Home

Maintaining the exterior of your property is important not only for your home’s kerb appeal, but its financial value too. By putting aside some time to improve the driveway, walls, and fine details such as the paintwork and garden, you can leave your property looking loved and welcoming. So let’s have a look at 5 ways in which you can do this.

1. Stone Cleaning

Even the most impressive of properties can be let down by dirty, weathered or aged stonework that can make the exterior look dull and lifeless. Especially for urban properties or those on a main road, pollution can leave a thick layer of black grime that, when removed by a professional, will completely revitalise your home. As such, it is a great investment for a long-term solution to the appearance of your property, walls or driveway.

2. Gardening

A few flowers or evergreen plants can really make a good impression to anyone visiting your home, by showing that some love and attention has gone into maintaining the exterior. Hanging baskets, big ceramic pots, and pretty bedding plants can all emphasise the aesthetic appearance of your property and add a splash of colour to your home, particularly in the summer months.

3.  Stone Cladding

If you feel that the appearance of your home’s exterior lets down the efforts of your garden and interior, then you might want to think about changing the façade of your property. Stone cladding can be completed in a range of materials, and natural stone cladding such as limestone or granite can be a bespoke finish to your exterior that will significantly improve its appearance and value.

4. A Lick of Paint

Whether you have a charming period property or a modern new build, the exterior of the house can really be let down by shabby paintwork. A lick of paint every once in a while to touch up the window frames and doors will complement the stonework and brighten up your home. Remember to give the windows a clean too, whilst you’re at it.

5. Lighting

Your home might look fabulous with the flowers and paintwork in the day, but at night you want to welcome visitors to your home and showcase the silhouette of your property. A few select pieces of garden lighting will add character to your outdoor area during the night, whilst it’s essential for the safety and security of your home to have lighting near the entrance of your property.

Homeowners spend a lot of time and effort on getting the interior design of their home just right, but the exterior appearance of your home can be equally, if not more, important. From the stonework to the garden and lighting, try to assess your property from an outsider’s perspective and work out where improvements can be made, to ensure that your property makes a great first impression every time. Let us know if you take any of our advice and how your house looks now.

Article written by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam, a Yorkshire girl who loves the outdoors and international cuisine. Follow her at @KellyGGrassam. This article was written with information from Henley Stone.

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