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Best Brand of All Natural Raspberry Ketone Pills

Raspberry contains around 200 molecules which are responsible for its chemical properties. Ketone, this chemical found only in red raspberries being one among these molecules is responsible for delicious scent of the raspberry. Thi Along with giving wonderful smell ketone comes with lot of health benefits. That is the reason it is found in many supplements. There are hundreds of products which contain raspberry ketone today. Other than supplements there are products like soaps and candles which contain raspberry ketone. It is also used in few food items as a flavoring agent.

Studies on raspberry ketone:

There is very less scientific information about the effects of raspberry ketone. Very few studies have able to prove its ability to reduce weight. It can be used by mildly overweight individuals. In case of obese people it may not be enough to reduce their weight. Like any other weight loss supplement when accompanied by nutritional diet and balanced activities, raspberry ketone will help in weight management.


Like other weight loss supplements there are no general dosage recommendations for raspberry ketone supplement pills. It depends on general health and wellness of an individual, his age, and medical conditions. Dosage also depends on the purity of the extract and milligram strength contained in the product. There are varieties of products of raspberry ketone available on Amazon.

Many manufacturers claim that their product helps in reducing excess fat, pounds and inches, suppress appetite, and accelerate metabolism. But these will happen when combined with sensible diet and proper exercise. Effects will also depend on the milligram strength taken. Few products come with 1200 mg of the raspberry ketone extract. Others may contain less than this.

Mainly for weight loss program the suggested dose is 100 mg which must be taken at least 30 minutes before meal. This dosage has proven to reduce hardening of arteries. It is difficult to search for a best brand because reviews and experiences vary widely among users.

Interactions and safety:

There is less information about the safety and interactions of this supplement especially for humans. With other drugs there is a risk of moderate interactions which have been noted in few studies. There is a chance that this supplement may result in side effects on cardiovascular system, central nervous system, and metabolism in the human body.

Person with diabetes and already taking medications for that should avoid taking pure raspberry ketone pills. If he is taking Amaryl, Glucophage, Avandia or any other drug similar to these then he should avoid this supplement. In case of use there is a risk that blood sugar may drop drastically leading to severe issues. This is because both the prescription medication and the supplement regulate the blood sugar levels.

Users may experience excessive bleeding if the supplement is combined with medications like warfarin. Even though the manufacturers claim that their supplements are natural, there is a chance that these may interact with other herbal supplements which are already in use. One should be on safer side before comparing and purchasing the supplements.



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