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Getting Dining Room Storage Furniture Pieces Right

The dining room has to be the only room in the house where comfort meets function by way of necessity.While it isn’t like the living room where you can design the interiors with almost no rules to follow, the dining room has to be inviting enough for you and your family to relish spending meal times in it. Ultimately though, the dining room is used for serving up countless breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Meals, or orchestrated events that happen three times a day, require their own set of tools and other implements which requires storing. Unless you want your dining room to resemble a cluttered casserole, below are some of the dining room storage options you may want to consider:

For that Rustic Charm.

If your house has more of a rugged farm appeal, then nothing beats a hutch cabinet. There is nothing more that says rustic with a storage option that allows all of your chinaware on display. However, before you lament how old fashioned having all your plates lined up for the world to see is, this method of storing actually has a very practical side to it. While you display the best china you have for a bit of decoration, the lower portion of the hutch also has covered storage. The plates can be grabbed on the go if you have guests arriving or you can leave them there for eye candy. A hutch cabinet will look great together with an antique farm table and matching Windsor chairs.

For that Minimalist Cool.

So you don’t like having too much stuff. That can be a very huge problem for a minimalist. Inasmuch as you would like to get rid of things you do not need, the sets of dinnerware are necessary evils. To maintain the very open and airy ambiance of your room, opt for a modern floating credenza. Pieces of furniture which have legs look very conspicuous and defeat the purpose of having a very open feel inside your dining room. With a floating credenza, you get the minimalist feel without having to sacrifice on storage for your napkins and plates.

The problem with floating credenzas is that you need ample space to anchor the piece to. This may not be the case in your home. If you still want to pursue the minimalist approach, then try to get a stand-alone sideboard instead.

For that Traditional Warmth.

If you want to be reminded of your grandmother’s dining room when in your own dining room, then the best recourse is to go for custom-built cabinetry. To really up the nostalgia, do not forget the upper cabinet display for your best china. The keep the lower cabinetry closed. Nick Scali in Lidcombe added that the great thing about installed cabinetry is you can really maximize the area of your dining room without worrying about whether the furniture piece will fit or not. Complete the looking with molding to keep the feel of your dining room elegant and timeless. Of course, the only drawback with this is that it’ll cost you a pretty penny.

Tom Watts, the writer, loves blogging about home comfort and designs. He writes useful articles for clients who want ready answers on the proper way to design one’s home. Tom also features stylish homes with practical approach to comfort and aesthetic.

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