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How To Fix A Jammed Door Lock?

Keeping the door lock in working condition is important as it plays the main role in keeping your house secured from potential threats of burglary. But, problems such as jammed door locks can come up any time. The causes are mostly misaligned, accumulated rust, repeated trials with broken keys and many more. So, here we have come up some quick fixes for the jammed locking system.

Use Graphite Powder or Spray

Coating the jammed key with powdered graphite helps a lot. Alternatively, you can also spray graphite into the keyhole.Graphite powder works like a lubricant which helps in unjamming the lock tumblers. The clogged debris will be cleaned that way. But, you need to jiggle the lubricated key in the cylinder if it doesn’t open on the first try.

Try with a Key Extractor

A key extractor is easily available in the hardware store that sells locksmithing tools. It’s an instant remedy to the jammed lock caused by a broken key. For this, you need to apply lubricant into the keyhole and then insert the barbed end of the extractor so that the extractor can pick out the teeth of the stuck key. Keep doing this as long as you do not feel that it hook the key effortlessly.

Applying Kerosene can help

Try soaking your door lock in kerosene for 24 hours if it’s caused by rust and is not attached to your door

Repair the Faceplate& Realign the Cylinder

If the jammed locked is not fixed by any of the above tips, remove the faceplate first to repair it. Once you remove it successfully, it’s time to unscrew it from the door.But, that’s a bit tricky process and to do it seamlessly, you need to turn the cylinder’s screw clockwise. This will tighten them properly and accordingly realign the cylinder, in case the door frame is unsettled or somehow become warped. And realign the same will help in making proper lock operation.

So, next time, if there’s a problem of the jammed locking system, try using these quick fixes to get over it. If none of these work, do call a locksmith.

Contributor: 24/7 Madison Locksmith, one of the finest locksmiths in Madison MS serving services to Central MS. So share your problem with Madison, Flowood, Clinton, Ridgeland & Jackson MS locksmith.

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