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Planning Permission – Top Tips For Getting Your Application Accepted

Two simple words that can strike fear into the hearts of developers, homeowners and those looking to expand their property investment portfolio alike – planning permission. Despite the fact that the outcome of the application will have enormous significance for the future of both the property and its owner, it all comes down to a very simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as to whether you can go ahead. The trouble is, it often feels like something of a roll of the dice as to whether or not you’ll be accepted, which is especially true if it’s not the kind of subject you’re familiar with.

There’s a reason those who specialise in successful planning permission applications are successful more often than not, and surprisingly it doesn’t in fact come down to the nature of the application of the proposed build. Instead, there’s much to be said for the actual mechanics and approach of the application itself, which in so many instances will play a key role in the application’s outcome.

So, with this in mind, here’s a quick overview of just a few key tips from the pros at Albright Dene on how to give your application the best shot at success:

1 – Do Your Homework

Right off the bat, the more you know about the subject in general and the way it applies to your own proposed alteration, the higher the chance you’ll be successful. One of the best ways of finding out just how decisions are reached and what kinds of things are favoured in your local area is to check through previous planning applications in order to look for any patterns with regard to the kinds of things that tend to get accepted and what gets turned down. Some favour affordable flats over luxury housing, others would rather see green spaces than car parks and so on – it’s always worth taking a look – but always remember no two sites are the same and they will be judged on their own merits.

2 – Learn the Lingo

It’s always of great benefit to your application if you bone up on a few buzz words and the kind of jargon that’s likely to play a role in the deciding process for your own application. For example, words like ‘access’ and ‘sustainability’ tend to go down a treat, as does the kind of language in general that makes it sound like you really do know what you’re talking about.

3 – Be Specific

Something else that factors into the language you choose is how specific you are with your descriptions. There’s a very big difference between making an application that speaks of a ‘large extension’ and one that describes a ’5.2-metre premium west-facing home extension’ in much greater detail. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to be taken seriously and the better the chances of your application being accepted.

4 – Be Honest

Quite simply the worst thing you can do in your application is lie as not only will you be rumbled sooner or later, but even a slight untruth that’s wholly pointless could ruin your chances of being granted planning permission. For example, if you plan to level half of your home in order to build a new wing and try to insist that the process will not cause any noise or disruption, you’ll hardly be taken seriously. If there will be disruption and problems, you need to acknowledge them and map out your commitment to controlling them.

5 – Address Concerns in Advance

There’s nothing quite like a complaining neighbour or local resident to halt your plans in their tracks and really throw a spanner in the works. As such, it might be in your best interests to take the time to speak to those living in the immediate vicinity around the site of the proposed build, in order make your intentions clear and ideally smooth over any bumps in the road before they emerge.

6 – Bring in the Professionals

Last but not least, perhaps the most sure-fire route of all to making a successful planning permission application is to bring in the services of those who do this as their speciality for a living. There’s a fine art to knowing exactly how to pen an application in order to ensure it gets the fairest shot at success – this is doubly important if the application is a repeat of a prior application that was turned down. If the job is one of importance in terms of value, it’s more than worth bringing in the experts to ensure the desired outcome the first time around.

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