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Why Surgical Tape Should Be A Part Of Your First-aid Kit?

First-aid Kit

Wound care is something everyone should know about. At least, adults are supposed to understand how primary care is offered in case of minor cuts, bruises, burns and scrapes. For that reason, adhesive tapes are important and they should definitely be part of a first-aid kit. These tapes, as the name suggests, tend to be adhesive in nature and are used to hold bandages in place to help close wounds. They are extremely versatile and useful and therefore, needed in every household for care and treatment of the basic variety. This makes surgical tape so popular across societies worldwide.

Here are some of the key reasons for including these adhesive tapes in your first-aid kit –

Usefulness and Versatility

Adhesive tapes are available in a variety of widths, lengths and styles to cater to an array of bandaging needs. They are fit for any type of cuts and bruises on the skin. Plus, you can customize them to suit different wound and skin sizes with effortless ease. What’s more, these tapes are easily available at drug stores and medical shops. In some cases, they even work as a perfect replacement for stitches thereby adding to their utility a great deal.

Designed to be Breathable

Adhesive tapes for medical purposes are designed in a way to breathe. This way, they let air circulate around the wound and damaged area for improved results and quick healing. This breathable nature of tapes helps them keep wounds ventilated and cleaned, which in turn, quickens the healing process. Additionally, their ability to breathe means a flow of air takes place across the wound and the site is not allowed to suffocate.

Made Out of a variety of Materials

Adhesive tapes can be made out of a variety of materials to suit specific and diverse needs. So, you can expect to get tapes made of paper, foam, cloth, nylon, silk and plastic to cater diverse needs perfectly. In most cases, these products tend to be hypo-allergenic so that they can be used on anyone. This helps them become available in a variety of widths and also in easy-to-cut shapes. So, creating customized pieces out of these tapes becomes easy.

Safe and Infection-free 

Adhesive tapes are mostly safe and they also reduce the risk of infection. Most of them will have the coat of zinc oxide or any another similar substance to keep any dangers of infection out of the equation. They help in attaching bandages so that the wound is covered perfectly and heals accordingly. Similarly, these tapes are easy to cut and shape and thus, wounds in awkward places can also be treated with ease.

A Replacement for Stitches in Some Case

There are certain specific situations where stitches may not work as perfectly as tapes do to keep the wound closed or shut. In fact, these tapes are designed to hold a gaping wound close. It can also help close the wound before stitches are used. This is how tapes work and ensure safety to people across the world.

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