Besides protecting and charging a monthly cost, if you play your cards right, you may actually save more than you pay with a security system.

When many people consider a home security company for monitoring services they either a) already have it connected and love it or b) think it is a waste of money.  What many people don’t know is the amount of money you can actually save by protecting your home with an alarm system.  Below are 3 simple ways to put the money you put out to monitor your home right back in your pocket.

3 Reasons Why A Home Alarm System Is An Investment

  1.  Home Owners Insurance Discount.  This is the most widely known and you can easily save a quick 10-15% off your home owners each month.  What a lot of residents don’t know is that if you add fire monitoring (1-2 smoke detectors in your house connected with your monitoring company, we recommend Xfinity home security for that.) you can get an additional 10-15% off your insurance making a grand total of 20-30%.  That’s $20-60 in savings depending on how much your insurance charges you.  Read this article for up to 12 ways on how to save on your home owners.
  2. Leasing Equipment.  When you sign up with the majority of companies your upfront costs are very low.  You can get a complete system typically under $199.  By doing this you are saving yourself $1000-3000 out of pocket costs if you were going to find a company to monitor it yourself.  Many companies will add extra equipment for free with a higher monthly monitoring rate instead.  This is a good option if you are looking to get one for your home sooner than later.
  3. Couponing if you live in Southern America.  Are you a Southerner?  If you go with certain security companies they may be able to give you coupon books.  Companies use these books to sign up promotions and can pay for the cost of monitoring and some!  These include:
    1. Gas re-imbursements.  Each time you fill up your gas tank, keep the receipt and then send it in to the coupon maker.  Within 2-3 weeks you can get reimbursed for this purchase.  It doesn’t have a direct correlation with your security system at home, but if you play your cards right, it sure can work great.
    2. Grocery re-imbursements.  Much like the gas option, you save your receipt each time and then sent it in at the end of the month.
    3. Others depending on season and coupon book.


When it comes to self defense, most things take money.  Lots of people use dogs who cost anywhere from $80-200 for dog food and maintenance.  You can save money right there by using an alarm company at the rate of $40-50/month with better protection.

Whatever your system or method may be, always look out for the best deal available and realize you may be able to save a dime while signing up.