The front of your house provides the first impression of your home, so you definitely want to make sure you spend some time on curb appeal. This is not only for the benefit of guests and neighbors, but it also gives you pride in the place you call home. And of course, the value of your front entry is more than just cosmetic. While it’s certainly a bonus if it looks nice, what you really want is for it to be a functional part of your household. So if you’re having some trouble with your front entry, either in terms of form or function, here are just a few ways you can enhance and upgrade this essential part of your home.

5 Effective Ways To Enhance Your Front Entry

  1. Paint. One of the easiest ways to refresh your front entry is with a coat of paint. It’s an inexpensive means of updating your palette to display current color trends, and it will cover up any dirt and deterioration that occur over time. If your front entry is starting to look a little dilapidated and you’re keen to give it a facelift, you might be surprised by how great it looks after slapping some fresh paint on the walls, the door, the trim, and the railings.
  2. Add plants. Sprucing up your front entry with new paint will give you the perfect backdrop for fresh landscaping. If the front of your house is lacking in flora, it can look pretty dull. By adding some planter beds around the front, some flowering shrubs leading up to the door, and a few well-placed planter boxes on the steps or the porch, you could bring the entrance to your home to life with a wash of greenery and a riot of colorful blooms. And the best part is that this dynamic look can be relatively inexpensive and easy to accomplish.
  3. Add lighting. A single, dim bulb over your front door may provide adequate illumination, but it probably won’t add much appeal or make your entry very inviting. So if you’re looking for ways to enhance the front of your home, adding lighting fixtures that accent your architectural style can update the look of your entry while also serving a useful purpose.
  4. Add storage. Your front entry is more than just the exterior steps leading up to your house – it’s also comprised of the area immediately inside your front door. And if you lack adequate storage here, you could end up with an unsightly mess of shoes, coats, and bags. In order to clean this area up and make it more functional and inviting, it’s best to build in a closet, if possible, or at least add a hall tree or hooks and cubbies so that the items people remove when they come in all have a place to go.
  5. Upgrade windows and doors. Your front entry can get understandably hot or cold, depending on the weather outside. But you can create a comfortable space here by upgrading windows and doors around the entry to provide better insulation. With products and services from a reputable company like Lyndhurst Lumber Inc you can not only improve the look of your home, but you can also increase energy efficiency and interior comfort. And that’s one upgrade that will offer value for years to come.