There’s a movement growing today for people to cut down on their carbon footprint. Recycling programs are keeping waste products like plastic bottles and metals out of landfills. People are finding new and creative ways to be environmentally friendly.

One movement that is popping up all over the world is cutting down your personal living space. The popularity of tiny living is attracting a wide variety of people from all walks of life. Now you have folks living comfortably and happily in spaces that may be as small as 150 square feet.

If tiny living is something that may interest you, just realize that it’s a life commitment. There are as many advantages as there are disadvantages. So make sure to do your research before making such a life changing decision. If you decide that tiny living is the right thing for you, remember that one of your biggest challenges is going to be storage. Here are some tips on how you can live like a king in a tiny space.

As mentioned the biggest challenge is the lack of storage space. The first step is making sure that you can part with your belongings and can downsize without too much pain. Tiny living is a rewarding challenge especially if you can live self-sufficiently with less.

To save on space, you should check out products that can pull double duty. That way you don’t necessarily have to worry about finding a spot for something that may really not be needed. For example, if you have a living/bedroom area why not find a couch that can be a sitting area during the day and your sleeping area at night. There are lots of space saving couches and chairs available for your local retail stores like IKEA that can help solve that issue for you.

Another area that you may find challenging is the kitchen or cooking area of your apartment. Tight quarters won’t allow for the latest gadgets especially with very little space on your counters and in your cabinets. You have to determine just how much room you have to work with once your major appliances like your refrigerator and stove are set up.

You do have many choices when it comes to kitchen appliances. Refrigerator come in all sizes and even mini-refrigerators will have some advantages for you. You may not have an ice machine or a deep freezer, so you’ll learn to adjust your buying habits to meet your storage needs.

One area that you can actually save space is with your cooktop. You can use a convection office instead of a tradition oven for your cooking needs. You’ll find that these products are readily available and offer different features depending on the model.

You also have a choice for your cooktop and that may even eliminate the need of buying a stove altogether. Induction cooking is becoming very popular because of its better cooking methods and energy saving properties. Products like the As Seen on TV NuWave Induction Cooktop sold by Carol Wright Store will save you time and money. It’s a portable cooktop that uses magnetic energy instead of gas or electric energy. It’s a space saver since it can be put away when not in use. So that may give you more room for other items.

Tiny living may not be the right choice for everyone. But for those that embraced the change and the challenges that come with it, have often said it was the best decision and the right decision for their lifestyles and for being environmentally friendly.