Preparing to move can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience. It’s difficult to know exactly what to do when, and staying organised may seem next to impossible. Wondering how you can keep your head about you during the moving process? These tips can help.

  • Choose a good company to help. You want someone who specialises in house removals to France if you’re headed very far as well as one that meets the needs of your budget. There are a number of marketplaces for European removals where you can get competitive quotes, so  you may want to look into that as well. The right company can help you stay organised throughout the process.
  • Before you pack, make certain you dispose of anything you don’t want to move. If you plan to pack yourself, create a solid labeling system so you will know the contents of each box when you arrive at your new home. Begin the packing process at least three weeks in advance, starting with the items you’re least likely to need prior to the move. Your removal company may have boxes available for purchase or you may be able to pick them up at a shop in town. New boxes are best, but used ones will do as long as they remain in good shape. Use plenty of packing materials around fragile items, too. In some cases, you may be able to use your linens to wrap items in your boxes.
  • Notify others of your move at least three weeks in advance. Send out change of address cards to friends and relatives, and make certain you let your bank know. Your mobile phone provider and TV license will need notice too. You’ll need to update your license and vehicle registration as well. The Royal Mail needs a notice of at least ten days to get your mail to the right place.
  • At least seven days before your move, ensure the gas, electric, and water will be turned on at your new place, and start working to empty your refrigerator and freezer so it has plenty of time to defrost. You may need to plan to eat takeaway for a few days.
  • The day before you move, empty the drain pipes on appliances like your washing machine and dishwasher, and if the appliances will be moving with you, make sure the racks and moving parts of both are secure during the move.
  • On moving day, when your removal company arrives, show them around the property. Let them know about any items that won’t be going ahead with you, and agree on a time to meet at your new property. After they leave, make certain all items have been removed from the old property.
  • When you arrive at your new home, be sure to show the removal company team where everything is so they know just where each box and item should be placed.

Moving shouldn’t have to be a stressful experience. With the right level of planning and preparation, your move will be a complete success