Being burgled is ranked as one of the most devastating events that can happen in a person’s life. The pain of walking into a home wrecked with devastation can be absolutely harrowing. Memories of the event can haunt the homeowner for years to come.
Fortunately, there are many modern gadgets that can help you to burglar-proof your property. Home security is no longer seen as a luxury, but a necessity. Modern innovations, such as the internet and wireless devices have helped to drive the cost of home security down.
Your conservatory is a particularly vulnerable part of your home. It is normally connected to your property, but in some cases, it is situated as a satellite unit in the garden.
These simple steps will assist you in protecting your conservatory from the heartbreak of a break-in.

Install a burglar alarm

Many homes have burglar alarms installed, but have you considered adding an additional sensor in your conservatory? This really is one of the best ways to catch a burglar, and often if a burglar sees that a home is displaying a burglar alarm box, they will be deterred from breaking and entering into the building. Make sure you clean the exterior box. A dirty one will indicate that you have not had your system serviced for a few years.
Modern burglar alarms don’t require any wiring. It’s a very simple process to install motion sensors inside rooms in your house and your conservatory.
Choose your burglar alarm with care, and consider where you will position it in your conservatory. If the burglar has broken into your garden, you’ll want him to spy the sensor in the conservatory. This will hopefully deter him from breaking in.

Get motion sensor lights

Installing motion sensor lights is a relatively cheap way to protect your conservatory. The lights work by sensing devices picking up any kind of movement, and flooding your garden with light. If movement is picked up, the spotlight will turn on and frighten the burglar away.
A key point to remember is the positioning of the lights. It is vital that you place them highly enough so that the burglar won’t be able to reach up and unscrew the bulb.
Some lights pick up wildlife in your garden, so if your garden is prone to nocturnal visitors, such as badgers or foxes, you may want to reconsider motion lights, or face buying lots of light bulbs!

Install secure window locks

Having secure window locks installed can be one of the best decisions you make when protecting your conservatory. It’s best to get a professional to install your locks. They will be able to advise you of the latest lock gadgets and special features.
Ensure that you keep your conservatory window key locks on a separate key ring that is hidden from view, somewhere in your home. As with all bunches of keys, ensure you do not have a key ring tag which describes what the keys are used for. This is a burglar’s dream!

Put valuables away

You wouldn’t leave your Sat-Nav on display in your car, and the same should go for valuables in your conservatory. Make sure you put any cameras, phones, tablets or expensive devices away and hidden from view. Most burglars are opportunists, and if they see something that takes their eye, they will attempt to break in.
Some burglar prevention sites suggest purchasing blinds for your conservatory. This is really a personal decision. Although blinds can hide what is inside your conservatory, it can also trigger a burglar’s curiosity and they may think that you are trying to hide something. Some people prefer to have their blinds open, or have none at all. This is like declaring to the burglar that you have nothing to hide!

Interior timers

An interior timer is typically used with either lights or radios. A timer will activate at chosen intervals throughout the night. The light or radio will turn on for a pre-determined time, and then deactivate. This will make your burglar assume that there is somebody in the conservatory. Interior timers are great if you are planning on going on holiday and will be leaving your home empty.
Interior light timers can be purchased very cheaply and are effective at making people think that somebody is in the conservatory.
Having piece of mind that your conservatory is protected is priceless. The conservatory is primarily used for relaxing and entertaining and should be a place of happy memories. It is absolutely crucial that you invest good time and money finding the best way to burglar-proof your conservatory.
Mark Caulfield is the Director for Caulfield Conservatories which have a team of highly talented architects who are passionate for creating the conservatory of your dreams.