One of the things on everyone’s mind these days is energy efficiency used in building a custom home. The technology is constantly changing along with  the building standards for building materials right through to the appliances. Your custom home builder is dedicated to giving you the home of your dreams and using materials that are sustainable and keep costs down.

Building your custom built home starts from the ground up and the latest trend is Insulated Concrete Forms a new product widely used in custom home building. These forms or molds come with built in insulation ready to have concrete poured into them. They arrive on site as large, hollow blocks ready to be filled with rebar and concrete. Listed below are the features and why they are fast becoming a favorite of custom home builders.

  1. The end product is a high performance, structurally sound wall ready to accept the final interior or exterior finish. They look like traditional stucco, rock, brick or siding on a finished home.
  2. So solid there is no air filtration
  3. Will not downgrade overtime, you never have to worry about rot or decay compromising the building means wall strength that lasts
  4. Lower heating and cooling costs ( reduced energy bills by up to 40% ) when you experience less cracks and crevices
  5. Made of safe materials that are non toxic for you, your family, pets and the environment.
  6. No worries about mold, mildew, rodents or bugs setting up home with a product that has no cavity
  7. Outstanding strength of the product to withstand strong winds and severe storm conditions.
  8. Fire rated assembly
  9. Product is termite resistant.

It’s easy to see why the benefits of this new trend is becoming the choice of building materials for your custom home builder in Victoria BC. Homebuyers that decide to have a custom built home want and expect a home that is energy efficient and built using quality materials that will last for years.

You have peace of mind knowing that the materials in your custom built home are safe and never harmful to the health of you or your family. Insulated Concrete Forms are so long lasting that another family will be able to enjoy the home for years to come without worry about rot or decay.