LSI is also known as Latent Semantic Indexing. It is related to another term – latent semantic indexing, that is used to analyze hidden meaning in a text. As an example, if we say “I will buy an apple”; did we buy a piece of fruit or a computer made by Apple inc.? The meaning can be apparent only if the rest of the semantics can be analyzed. This also applies to the title of our website. In general, search engines should be able to analyze our website. However, we should try to improve search engine’s ability to determine the relevance of our content. As an example, if we are writing an article on the history of canal locks in Great Britain, we shouldn’t be positioned in search results for people who look for the history of locks. It means that we should help the search engine to properly analyze text on the page and we should be able to focus on specific topics.

The content of our page should be highly relevant to the primary keywords. We also shouldn’t rely on simple repetition of keywords, which many websites did before Google changed its algorithm. So, it would be useless, even if we generate thousands of websites, but we are still unable to make Google understand what we want. Some marketers create dozens of websites using a similar template and they may not have real content at all. As an example, we could provide very broad topic, such as information on dogs. In fact, many people tend to seek more accurate information that’s much better detailed.

We should be aware that a wrong strategy could provide consumers with no meaningful information whatsoever. This is the reason why Google incorporate LSI in its algorithm and we should make sure that we are able to comply by providing something more meaningful. With should perform our own analysis to improve our website. In general, we should be able to make our website more LSO compliant if we write for people, not for engine bots. Although it is possible that Google’s algorithm put our website at the wrong keyword, it is more likely that we are able to convince spiders about the real meaning of our webpage.

In general, we should know how many keywords are simply too many. Keywords should be concentrated at the text body, but they should have a significant presence in the title. As an example, if we plan to create an article about affiliate marketing, our title shouldn’t just be “Affiliate Marketing”, it should be something like “How to Implement Affiliate Marketing to Generate Huge income?”. Keyword should be the focus on the first 100 words of the text body and also the last 100 words. Google will check our articles for proper pattern and the most ideal keyword density for our primary keyword should be between 3 percent and 5 percent. For a 500-word article, this should be between 15 and 25 keywords.